Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Baby Chickadees on the Farm!

On Sunday Erin and Jeff brought me out to Jeff's family's place by Longview, AB. His Mom is raising some baby chicks to be chickens for eating. I was just happy to hold them and feed them until one pooped on my hand. What can I say? I think he was a little bit frightened! They were so adorable with their little chirps, but those buggers are hard to catch! Here are some photos from the trip out:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Most Delicious Candy in the Whole World!

Do you know what those are? Those my friend are PUNKYS! My absolute favourite candy in the whole entire world. I haven't been able to have any since...oh about 2001 (That was 9 years ago) and I still haven't been able to find a candy that I love as much as Punkys. Their made by the Wonka company and unfortunately I found out last night that they are discontinued. This breaks my heart. The last place I remember them being sold was at Carr's Confectionary on 4th avenue SW Moose Jaw. I used to go in there and buy like 3 boxes at a time. They would promptly be demolished by the time it took me to drive to the NW but it was totally worth it. I've looked all over the internet to see where I can buy a case and even emailed a few websites to see if they had any stashed away but no such luck. If I ever get my hands on these little gems in my lifetime i'll be the happiest person on Earth.
In other news, my teeth F$*%&$* hurt today! Mostly just the bottom ones in the front. It might be because they are no longer one in front of the other in an accordian like pattern, but they're all in a straight line. It makes me happy, but at the expense of my pain tolerance that's for sure. It's not like sharp jabbing pains, it's the constant dull pain of toothaches that gets me. Lucky for me I get to go to the dentist tomorrow and have them all cleaned up. I think it'll actually hurt more than usual because they'll have to work around the braces but I'll post on how it goes. I might even take a picture to document the progress of my teeth ( Even though Dad said it was gross and to never do it again). I'm at the 4 month mark already only 1 yr and 8 months to go. In other words....a lifetime. Feels that way anyway. But, it will be all worth it in the end when i have a super wicked smile and big slippery horseteeth! Yay!