Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's Been Awhile

A long while....

I haven't blogged all summer. Which means I was super busy? I was!

I may as well just pretend that I didn't even have a summer. A lot has happened however.

I met someone in early July, Steve. He is to say the very very least, amazing!
I started a new job in Didsbury...lab supervisor, what up!
I moved to Didsbury for said job, for at least 6 months (maybe more?) I don't even really know!
I went to Miami in August for training for my job, a new analyzer, fun!

That's pretty much up to date.

This week is going to be crazy, I work for three days and then Steve and I are flying off to Winnipeg! We're going to meet the new little gaffer in the family Kaelynne Elizabeth! Daughter to Tyler *my brother* and Gina (sister in law obviously!) Should be awesome. We're also celebrating my mom's *50th* birthday! Lucky her.

After Winnipeg, Steve will fly back to Calgary and i'll be flying to Rochester *barf* for work again. Another new analyzer. Should be a good learning experience though. These things are always good for continuing education credits!

That is the update, I may backdate a few posts and put up some pictures to sum this all up later on....