Monday, February 21, 2011

Been Awhile....

It has been ages. Literally since I blogged. What's funny is that I'm too busy doing things that are worth blogging about to blog! And the fact that I only have 2 followers, one of them who I know. Maybe if I was more consistent with blogging I would have more.
I suppose I should start back in December and go from there.
Christmas was awesome this year! We did Christmas eve at Steve's parents house where we ate delicious food and watched Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation. A classic which I hadn't seen before. Then we headed over to Christy and Gary's (Steve's sister and brother-in-law) to spend the night. Christy and I were up super late wrapping presents. The morning was fun because Steve's neices aged 8 and 12 are still in love with Christmas and getting presents etc. We had an amazing breakfast/brunch. Steve and I headed home around lunchtime to get all ready to go the ranch (Claire's place by Cochrane). There were about 25 of Steve's family members there for the huge turkey dinner that they put together. We were in charge of buns and cranberry. I made homemade cranberry so I was super proud to show it off!
Only days later we were on a plane to the Mayan Riviera Mexico for a week long rest and relaxation vacation. And that is exactly what it was. We had such a great time together and already can't wait to get away on our next trip!
We adopted another dog, "Wally" whom we affectionately call "Walter" or "Walty" He is just the sweetest, a japanese chin and daschund cross, he is now Alabama's best friend. They playfight all day and get into all sorts of mischeif including ripping open their food bag! Bad dogs! They are so well behaved together though so I can't complain too much. We would like to take them to some puppy classes to get them more well acquainted with other dogs as they both have their own style of reactive tendencies.
Back to work, and so busy! Another new analyzer at the lab so lots of calculations etc and getting that ready. Which I finally was just able to submit to the pathologist last week for review. Hopefully it will be ready to go early March! I can't wait!
We took a trip out to Kananaskis early February for a weekend getaway which was really nice. Gary, Christy, Maren and Cameron, Julie and Dan and Steve and I were all there. We hot-tubbed, watched tv, read our books, drank hot chocolate and hung out. Gary and the girls went skiing and snowboarding to take advantadge of the nice weather. Mostly the rest of us just ate and relaxed!
Last week I moved in with Steve, obviously a big step, but I'm really excited about it! We're so happy to be living together, it's so fun! We have spent the last couple of weeks getting organized and putting away things that we won't need for awhile (until we were to buy a house). Which may not be too far off since we would love to have a backyard for the dogs!