Thursday, March 11, 2010

Basketball will put your eye out!

Something to blog about before the scrapbooking day. I nearly lost an eye last night at basketball!

I was going for a loose ball against a competitor and somehow i'm pretty sure his entire hand went into my right eye socket. I was completely frantic and panicking! It was easily the most painful thing I have ever experienced. (Somehow I keep topping my last painful thing lately!) I thought that I was going to black out. My teammates said I was asking them over and over if, "my eye was in my eye" Haha that's funny. My contact lens was folded into 4 and lodged underneath my eylid waaaaay in the back which I was begging for someone to dig out. After I removed it and my teammates helped me to the washroom to rinse the grime out of my eye and got some ice I started to feel a lot less like I was going to pass out. It must have been the whole disgusting hand in the eye thing. My mates were awesome, making sure I was ok, and staying with me in shifts until the game was over. Which after not leading the whole game since by 2 points in the first half, we tied! They had some good players on their team but we came through in the final minutes. (No credit to me who spent the rest of the game rinsing my eye)

Zac and Evan got me back to Okotoks safely and it was already looking better as I was icing it the whole time. After they left and I was getting ready for bed I noticed my tears were bloody. That was scary so even though I only had one truly functioning eye I went to the ER to have it looked at. You don't want to mess around with your eyes! She did a full exam but was inconclusive on where the blood was coming from which was a bit more scary so this morning I got an urgent appointment with the Rockeyview Opthamologist. He was very good and made sure everything was ok. Because i'm so nearsighted my biggest concern right now is retinal detachment so he gave me some things to watch out for over the next couple of days. Overall I have a bruised eyeball (who'd have known eyeballs bruise) and the muscles are inflammed right now too. Pretty sore. In real life, I don't think that it looks all that shabby. I took a couple of photos of the bloody eyeball....gross I know, but it's my blog and i'll post what I want!

My eye looks lazy....but i'm told that will go away. Thank God for that. I remedied my sorrow by shopping at Winners! Yay shopping! (don't worry i'm going to get my eyebrows waxed next week....I know that they're hideous.)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Slowly adjusting to the braces...

I'm starting to get used to this situation known as "having adult braces". I snapped a quick photo before I met my friend Lisa for brunch on monday to show the progress. (I'll try and stay away from taking the wide open mouth pictures that really show the progress! They usually look kinda gross haaha)

(realizing how tired I look, yikes!)

I'm starting to have a bit more confidence with them, but it's slow that's for sure.

Just so I don't leave Meridy out of the blog today, I took a cute pic of her on monday too when she was having a nap on the guestbed (which apparently she now owns):

I think that Meridy thinks she's a model. I know for sure she must think that i'm the paparazzi. Always taking photos of her!

I'm counting the days until Vicki and I leave for Cuba. I'm trying to jam pack the next 10 days so that they go by quickly. I have basketball in Calgary tonight and i was able to snag a spot at the all day scrapbook crop on Saturday. Brandi and Darrel will be at the YYC en route home from a Kelowna boarding trip so i'll try and meet with them there!

I'll be sure to post after the all day crop! (If not before!)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

How OLD are you!?

It would appear that i'm having a bit of an identity crisis. I've now had braces for 2 weeks, and I find myself identifying with teenagers the world over. It does make me feel a little bit younger than I am for sure. But, I do have hobbies that may be typically linked to people of older age...

I haven't scrapbooked in months (been busy!) so these pages aren't up to par. But, I still like them. It's hard to scrapbook something that you have so many pictures of. So here is the first little bit of scrapbooking Europe 2009:This would be the mess that is my kitchen table....yikes.

I don't have a scanner big enough to scan in these pages as each one is 12X12 so I had to take a picture of them with my camera. They didn't turn out very well even if I turned off the flash, but you get the idea.

Ok, as for the braces update! Things are moving along nicely. I've become a little bit more adventerous with my food choices. The top wire is almost straight already! It will take a bit longer to see big changes on the bottom but i'm happy to be patient. It will be so worth it!