Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Slowly adjusting to the braces...

I'm starting to get used to this situation known as "having adult braces". I snapped a quick photo before I met my friend Lisa for brunch on monday to show the progress. (I'll try and stay away from taking the wide open mouth pictures that really show the progress! They usually look kinda gross haaha)

(realizing how tired I look, yikes!)

I'm starting to have a bit more confidence with them, but it's slow that's for sure.

Just so I don't leave Meridy out of the blog today, I took a cute pic of her on monday too when she was having a nap on the guestbed (which apparently she now owns):

I think that Meridy thinks she's a model. I know for sure she must think that i'm the paparazzi. Always taking photos of her!

I'm counting the days until Vicki and I leave for Cuba. I'm trying to jam pack the next 10 days so that they go by quickly. I have basketball in Calgary tonight and i was able to snag a spot at the all day scrapbook crop on Saturday. Brandi and Darrel will be at the YYC en route home from a Kelowna boarding trip so i'll try and meet with them there!

I'll be sure to post after the all day crop! (If not before!)

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