Sunday, March 7, 2010

How OLD are you!?

It would appear that i'm having a bit of an identity crisis. I've now had braces for 2 weeks, and I find myself identifying with teenagers the world over. It does make me feel a little bit younger than I am for sure. But, I do have hobbies that may be typically linked to people of older age...

I haven't scrapbooked in months (been busy!) so these pages aren't up to par. But, I still like them. It's hard to scrapbook something that you have so many pictures of. So here is the first little bit of scrapbooking Europe 2009:This would be the mess that is my kitchen table....yikes.

I don't have a scanner big enough to scan in these pages as each one is 12X12 so I had to take a picture of them with my camera. They didn't turn out very well even if I turned off the flash, but you get the idea.

Ok, as for the braces update! Things are moving along nicely. I've become a little bit more adventerous with my food choices. The top wire is almost straight already! It will take a bit longer to see big changes on the bottom but i'm happy to be patient. It will be so worth it!

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