Tuesday, May 11, 2010

FML - I hate being sick!

So, the bucket I was vomiting in this week wasn't near as fancy as this one. But, I thought i'd class it up a little bit by posting a photo of a nice one, instead of the plastic urine hat/bucket I brought home from the hospital!
Still layed out on my couch for now 4 days, this "virus" really grabbed hold of me. What a perfect time to update the old blog, it's been like 4 weeks since I updated here! Last night was maybe one of the worst nights of all. Absolutely no sleep and nausea that I cannot even explain. At least the nights I spent in the hospital I was hooked up to beautiful saline and anti-nauseant meds via IV. I've never had an IV in my life until just the other day, now i've had 4. 2 of them blew (went interstitial or didn't stay in) and 2 were legit. Now my wrists are yellowy-green with bruises and 2 little poke holes in each one. Bummer.
I'm hungry...soooo hungry! There are so many things i'd love to eat right now that would upset my stomach a lot but I can't stop thinking about:
1. Coconut shrimp
2. Fettucine alfredo
3. Salad with cheese and lots of dressing
4. Macaroni and cheese
5. Hummus
6. BBQ potato chips (Old dutch only!)
7. Ice cream (vanilla bean)
8. Banana bread
9. Chicken Pot pie
10. BBQ ribs (don't hold back on the sauce)

I'm going to make it my goal to eat these things over the next 2 weeks once i'm feelin better. I friggin deserve it. I'm pretty sure i've lost at least 5 pounds...I want them back! Most of these items have been featured on episodes on the Food Network which i've been glued to for the last few days :) Worst channel ever to watch when your nauseous and hungry at the same time. Unfortunately i'll never again be able to eat BBQ Crispy Mini rice chips because that was the last thing I remember eating before getting sick.
In other news the Canmore scrapbook retreat is this weekend. I've been waiting months to go to this event. Unfortunately I think that my enthusiasm is tainted from being sick. I'm hoping to feel 100% by Thurs for my shift at the hospital. Even a strong 85% will do i'm sure :) At least it's a pretty relaxing weekend, I know I may not get many pages completed, but i'll try my best. I'll have to hit up the scrap store and walmart before I go to get some supplies for the event. Luckily because we're scrapping in the same hotel we stay at, it will be easy to take naps. (And not naps in my car this time, yay)
That's all for now, i'm actually exhausted from typing :( I've never felt so lame in my life.

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