Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Uhm yeah I know, this is probably some of the cutest paper ever! I'll be taking it with me this weekend to Canmore to hopefully dolly it up into a nice scrapbook page or two....hopefully I get more than that accomplished this weekend! I just picked it up this afternoon at Scrapbooker's Paradise. They're no stranger to me sitting on their floor sifting through papers, but today I was especially exhausted. It was my first day leaving the house since i've been sick. I had to get out and test the waters before I work tomorrow. I'm nervous for it to be busy and me not be able to keep up. But, i'll do my best and hope for the best. It will be nice to relax in Canmore this weekend, scrapbook and nap as I please.
I usually don't blog 2 days in a row, two weeks in a row, or two months in a row. (But, i'm getting better at it!) But, I was really excited about this paper, so I just had to mention it!

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