Saturday, May 29, 2010

Winnipeg, Minneapolis, and Fleurs.

Last week I flew to Winnipeg to meet up with my Mom and do a little road trip to Minneapolis to visit the Albertville Outlet Mall and the MOA (Mall of America!). The shopping was 'insano bananas' as I was constantly repeating on the weekend. The Outlet mall was much more impressive than the MOA, by a long shot because of all the sales! Mind you I did love Macy's they had so many pretty dresses and I was able to find a great pair of jeans there. Mom found a lot of stuff too while shopping, sandals, t-shirts, etc. I kind of blew the $400 limit out of the water unfortunately. But, it's nice to know its all bought and paid for and isn't sitting on my credit card! (thank God!)
I was only able to spend a little bit of time with Dad, Tyler, Gina and Grandma. But, since i'll be back at the end of June, it's ok. Gina looks so cute with her little baby bump! I'm really excited for them, and even though Gina doesn't seem to be enjoying pregnancy she'll enjoy being a mom!

Just before I left on the trip I joined a book club! It's my first time ever in a book club, i'm very excited about it. Our next meeting is June 22, and the chosen book was "The Cellist of Sarajevo" by Steven Galloway. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I finished the book within 2 days, which included me reading half the book aloud to Mom on the way home from Minneapolis. I liked it quite a bit and I can't wait to discuss it for book club. I also picked up 'The Alchemist' by Paul Coelho. It was AMAZING! I read it in about a day (most of it was at work today because it was so boring). Even though I have already read it, I hope that it's chosen for our book club sometime. I want as many people to read it as possible, it's sooo good! I'll be reccomending it to everyone for months to come!
Here are some pics from the week away:

Trying out the new Franco Sarto purse...looks like a match!

Flower browsing at the greenhouse:

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