Sunday, February 28, 2010

Gold Rush

Sidney Crosby has it made. This guy has accomplished so much in his life that I think his celebrity will rival that of Wayne Gretzky! I obviously don't have much for new that would trump the Olympics and Canada winning gold in both men's and women's hockey...but, I wanted to post anyway.

So it's been over a week with my braces and i'm already able to eat most things. Last night I cooked a pretty intricate meal of pork roast with honey balsamic glaze, and glazed roasted root vegetables (parsnips,turnips,carrots,leeks) but unfortunately there was no way i'd be able to chew the pork chop. It too much resembles steak, which since it's my goal to eat was no easy task! Luckily because I skimped on supper portion I had enough room for frozen yogurt. My saviour. :)

In more exciting news; yesterday Vicki and I booked our trip to Cuba! We leave March 20 to Varadero. We are staying at the Iberostar Laguna Azul:

It seems like a really nice resort. Right now mom and dad are there. They texted me when they arrived to say that it was awesome and to book it. Gina and Tyler will be there at a similiar time so we'll have to see if we can meet up in Cuba!

I'm sad that the weekend is basically over already. I feel like i've hardly had any time off and it was actually a 4 day weekend for me! I'll have to make the most of this weekend upcoming.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Witty Title

So I met my good friend Julia in the city tonight for supper. When I told her that I was going to post that in my blog she came up with a really good title for it. But since an hour ago...i've forgotten it. So we'll just have to imagine that I remembered it and everything will be fine!

I was so happy to see Julia. It has been far too long since we last spent time together. Important to note that Julia has been wearing braces for some time now, although I do think that they did come off for a brief period. She's getting her braces off in the next couple weeks so I wanted to make sure we got a photo of us both with braces at the same time!

I must note that even though it's only been a week I can tell that my teeth are moving so much already! Also we both have such great brunette hair. This photo was taken just outside Julia and Chris' new home in Signal Hill Calgary. It was a bit of a stakeout we were also taking pictures of her house in the dark and i'm pretty sure violating a few laws while doing so!

So here I am. One week after braces and thinking it's not so bad. I'm into the solid type foods now at least one meal a day. Chewing gets tiring and trying to keep the food under control and not in my braces can be tiring, but still manageable.

My goal is to eat a steak. And I will attempt that goal as much as it takes for me to achieve it!

P.S. Heard that the Canadian Men's hockey team won tonight...great news!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Reveal

I'm hungry.

That's all I can think about. I tried to eat something for lunch today. No dice. I've kind of started to dislike that I can't eat solid anything! I made an apple crisp..which I can't eat. I'm making supper which I hope I can eat...but i'm not making any promises. On the other hand, I did have a surprisingly good sleep last night :) Can't complain about that!

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better 'eating' day. But this is teaching me a great amount of self control. I have lots of tasty treats in the house right now that I can't have...unless I swallow them whole!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Holy $#!% this hurts!

So today is my first day with braces. Yuck. The pain i'm in right now is pretty intense. Not that it isn't manageable, but just because it's a very awkward, continuous pain. What's more painful...I went grocery shopping and bought a whole bunch of stuff that I can't eat. But, I did get ice cream! Quite the treat; Breyer's Dark Chocolate Velvet. Delish!

Overall the whole braces application process this morning wasn't really all that bad now that I look back on it. There was a lot of tugging etc, but nothing like getting your Wisdom teeth out. I'll never forget that!

Feel free to pity me.

My teeth are SO crooked! But, the great new is that in a couple of months i'll start to see major changes and hopefully will be able to get the wires put through all of the bottom brackets. To be honest from far away a lot of my colleagues said that they didn't even notice them. They were trying to be polite. Once i've brushed a whole bunch of times the colored dots on the brackets will wear away and they will look even better. Note: I have brushed 6 times today already. It actually feels good to brush it's almost like scratching my teeth that feel itchy because of all the pressure on them right now!

So now, off I go to indulge in some ice cream. How nutritionally conscious.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Braces Eve

So tonight is the last night for the next 2 years (or less I hope) that i'll be able to run my tongue smoothly over my teeth. Tomorrow morning at 9am i'm getting braces. I'm 24 this is scary.

When I decided to get them (sometime in January) February 19th seemed like the farthest day away. And here it is, only one sleep away! I've been researching like crazy about braces. Everything from how they put them on, how they take them off, what I can't eat, what I can and what is considered a "braces emergency". I hope to not have any of those.

When my friends and coworkers found out I was getting braces the first thing that they said was, "Your teeth aren't that bad!" Uh, yes, they are. I have spent the last 24 years of my life figuring out how to talk, eat, and take photos in such a way that people would think exactly that. But in reality my teeth are so out of place. I have an incredibly narrow smile which I will chalk up to genes because my Dad has the exact same smile.

Tomorrow everything will change, tomorrow is the first day towards super straight megawatt smile! I'm very excited!

The braces i'm getting are clear and are going to look like the ones below except they tell me i'll have a clear wire instead. They are called in-ovation C self ligating. Very cutting edge!

Can't wait to have a perfect smile! I'll try and post updates along the way...