Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Reveal

I'm hungry.

That's all I can think about. I tried to eat something for lunch today. No dice. I've kind of started to dislike that I can't eat solid anything! I made an apple crisp..which I can't eat. I'm making supper which I hope I can eat...but i'm not making any promises. On the other hand, I did have a surprisingly good sleep last night :) Can't complain about that!

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better 'eating' day. But this is teaching me a great amount of self control. I have lots of tasty treats in the house right now that I can't have...unless I swallow them whole!

1 comment:

  1. Aww Kristy I am sure you look great even with your braces. I am not going to promise your brother won't bug you about them though. :) He needs them too so you can just point that out if he does. Miss you very much. Love you!!
