Friday, February 26, 2010

Witty Title

So I met my good friend Julia in the city tonight for supper. When I told her that I was going to post that in my blog she came up with a really good title for it. But since an hour ago...i've forgotten it. So we'll just have to imagine that I remembered it and everything will be fine!

I was so happy to see Julia. It has been far too long since we last spent time together. Important to note that Julia has been wearing braces for some time now, although I do think that they did come off for a brief period. She's getting her braces off in the next couple weeks so I wanted to make sure we got a photo of us both with braces at the same time!

I must note that even though it's only been a week I can tell that my teeth are moving so much already! Also we both have such great brunette hair. This photo was taken just outside Julia and Chris' new home in Signal Hill Calgary. It was a bit of a stakeout we were also taking pictures of her house in the dark and i'm pretty sure violating a few laws while doing so!

So here I am. One week after braces and thinking it's not so bad. I'm into the solid type foods now at least one meal a day. Chewing gets tiring and trying to keep the food under control and not in my braces can be tiring, but still manageable.

My goal is to eat a steak. And I will attempt that goal as much as it takes for me to achieve it!

P.S. Heard that the Canadian Men's hockey team won tonight...great news!

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