Friday, February 19, 2010

Holy $#!% this hurts!

So today is my first day with braces. Yuck. The pain i'm in right now is pretty intense. Not that it isn't manageable, but just because it's a very awkward, continuous pain. What's more painful...I went grocery shopping and bought a whole bunch of stuff that I can't eat. But, I did get ice cream! Quite the treat; Breyer's Dark Chocolate Velvet. Delish!

Overall the whole braces application process this morning wasn't really all that bad now that I look back on it. There was a lot of tugging etc, but nothing like getting your Wisdom teeth out. I'll never forget that!

Feel free to pity me.

My teeth are SO crooked! But, the great new is that in a couple of months i'll start to see major changes and hopefully will be able to get the wires put through all of the bottom brackets. To be honest from far away a lot of my colleagues said that they didn't even notice them. They were trying to be polite. Once i've brushed a whole bunch of times the colored dots on the brackets will wear away and they will look even better. Note: I have brushed 6 times today already. It actually feels good to brush it's almost like scratching my teeth that feel itchy because of all the pressure on them right now!

So now, off I go to indulge in some ice cream. How nutritionally conscious.

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